Fence systems
Temporary Electric Fencing

Temporary Electric Fencing 

Daily or weekly moved


For fast-paced rotational grazing set-ups, or for other situations whereby you need to freqently move the fence, temporary fences are the best choice.

Temporary fence system will be moved regularly and be constructed using battery or solar powered energizers, steel or plastic posts for single or multi wire fences and poly wire, poly tape, poly rope or nets and other lightweight components. 

Typically these would be short fences of up to a few hundred metres in length to contain or exclude animals from a moving area such as strip grazing. Energizers with 6-volt or 9-volt or 1.5-volt of Dry cell internal batteries are lightweight and easiest for moving regularly but are generally most suitable for short fences of up to about 2.5 kms maximum length (depending on which wire conductors are used).