What type of animals

Cattle(Move Daily/Weekly or Move Seasonaly)

Temporary or Semi-permanent fence system for cattle


Why electric cattle fences work so well for so many…

• Because cattle are sensitive to electric shock. Why? Heavy body, large hooves—so they’re low-resistance animals.

• The lowest energized wire can be 2 ft above the ground. Energy loss from grass-to-wire contact is less.

• Their frontal eye placement allows them to see low-visibility fences more readily than horses or deer.

• Their body weight ensures very good hoof-to-soil contact.

• No major predators. So low fence wires to deter predators are seldom necessary. Again less weed-toelectrified wire contact.

• Most cattle walk instead of run, giving them time to see fences.

These factors result in an animal that’s easily controlled by electric fence.


Why some fences fail…

An electric fence is a system that's only as good as its weakest link. All parts (posts, conductors, insulators, conductors) of the system must be durable and effective.

Probable reasons for problems with electric cattle fences…

• Reliance on farmstore solar energizers. They promise much and deliver little.

• Low-impedance energizers. They work fine when the grass is green and soil is moist, but their output in joules drops quickly when the soil is dry.

• Using polywires and polytape that lack visibility, conductivity, durability.

• Using posts and insulators that are prone to failure. The cheapest is rarely the least actual cost.

• Frustrating windup reels (or none at all)! Good reels save time and aggravation.


Recommend fence energizer:

Solar fence energizer

Battery fence energizer 

Plug-in fence energizer